
It's you!

Happiness is a hormone, a product you produce, products need some elementary materials to be produced, but happiness dose not, happiness can be made out of a paper, out of a word, out of nothing!

To be happy think of what really makes you happy, for me, happiness is in the winds I feel in the summer, the winds that come to revive your soul. Happiness is around my friends and close people, happiness is the positive soul that no one can destruct, I get happiness performing my words, happiness is when I get of the stage and start getting complements about what I performed. Happiness is in the comments of the people who read something I wrote, the people who were touched with what I wrote. happiness is the music I love, happiness is the laughter I hear when I say something funny, the smiles.

Happiness is the art I do, the art I achieve, the art I create, the art I design, the art I express, a photo, an illustration, a poem, a thought or a word.

Happiness is love, loving yourself, knowing your right, knowing you deserve, happiness is receiving after giving, happiness is giving, happiness is appreciation. Happiness is seeing what you want, happiness is blindness, the blindness that only sees what you want, it's the deafening music of what you want and nothing else.

Happiness is freedom, happiness is the childish belief in possibilities, happiness is the soul that grows younger, the soul that gets more innocent while you grow up, it's the young face with wrinkles, happiness is you.

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