
Out of the ashes

I thought I would, I thought I will
I thought, I thought I should
I thought I could, I thought…I thought, I thought, I thought,
But I…never thought I shouldn’t have thought…
I didn’t think life is easy, but didn’t know it was this hard…
Now I know why, now I know why, now I know…
Now I know why intimidation comes like cancer to my dreams.
Now I know why people didn’t like to dream…
It felt so easy for me, so…entertaining…to dream
Scars for the first time left on my soul
I knew it’s all to believe, to believe I could…
I believed I could…but wait a second, believe?
Believe I could, believe I deserve, believe a dream?
To believe a dream is a phoenix was hard,
As I kept pouring life in my struggling dream,
It was easier to believe the dream was a phoenix,
But…it’s a phoenix because of me giving my life to it to live before I die.
Before…before tears come tasteless, before I reach the unfound ground.
The ground I thought would be…resting…, I kept falling, falling down but nothing was there.
Nothing but space, I was looking towards the sky as I kept falling.
Wait! That ground is above… above the sky!
I was obviously falling for so long to think the ground is above…
I was falling for so much time that I thought the right way was the opposite,
And now again I thought, but it’s now when I have to think…
Thoughts shall be useful this time, and yes! A thought
I thought I could fall towards the sky! And I left my head up pointed to the sky
To fall up, to fall up towards the stars, it’s all unreal to be falling away from the ground.
It’s now…I’m falling up closer and closer to my ground,
The ground I will be cuddling, looking down to the sky as I sleep with joy
Coffining the death of despair and helpless birds which were dying with no life given back…
Now I can say I’m on the ground, looking…down towards the sky…