
A Robot

Tearless eyes, emotionless heart, a mind with no memories, a mind full of files, data, numbers, formulas, and nothing else but the dust of my infinite age, from flesh to circuits, I transformed, I traded my humanity for immortality, I thought memories will live after I die, but all memories died and I’ll live for ever, how could I be so stupid? What is life without mortality, what is life without the immortality of emotions, why did I become a machine? I still have blood in my veins, blood that is coming out of a heartless heart, it hurts, or at least I remember it would, can life be mine again?

Who am I? an identity crisis again, I thought I was done with it, but it seems that instability is the form of life I live, it seems like it’s the only thing that makes me unique, I used to love the summer, and hate the winter, and now I can’t remember which one has the sunny blue sky, I can’t remember why did I love any of them, I don’t know what does love mean…

Did I train myself professionally to deal with your absence? Or is that I didn’t know what it would feel to be alone?