
The crown of ice

A prison with no way out, Chances come by and leave. I had no choice and I had to say no. I trusted the wrong side of me. Why life shows you all the goods when you have no money at all? If you had money it shows you what you can’t buy. When you have money you’ll find out the market is gone.

It’s hard to believe that a bad event happens for a good reason. I’m crying now with tears of regret, I have said no for many things. I don’t know if I’ll ever have the chance to say yes. I don’t know if it could have been good if I said yes from the start.

Loneliness makes me an insomniac passing through the four seasons. My friends come at once to break the nights of no sleep. I feel happy for a second and then I remember the nights I will spend alone again. Good things come together so that you can feel the regret of leaving some of them. I wish I was a tree with one autumn in my life; I want my whole life to be a spring.

I can wear one and only crown on my head, I spend my whole life with nothing to cover my head. With one second I have more than a hundred crowns waiting for me to choose. I wish I could have them all, but one crown is made of gold and the others are made of ice. In the mirror I see what I love to see in the reality, I see myself wearing all the crowns.