
It's always sunny above the clouds

Glitteriest drops of the sun woke up the only golden apricot tree ever found, a tree with golden leaves, branches and apricots.
The heart of this tree has inhaled happiness since the first day in its life. The happiness was explained by the feeling of gratitude and peace felt when it gave its golden apricots for people, it is the nature of a tree, giving and selfless.
One day, birds woke up the tree in a rush, a look of sadness and disappointment worn the golden face, nothing is left; the greed of people took all the golden apricots and leaves. Sadness had a child and a family when the tree could not cry because of its materialistic nature.
A dream knocked the door in silence, the tree wanted to be alive! The story was told across the world of imagination, no one believed it could happen and everyone thought the tree has lost its sanity.
It seemed like the dream was growing, and it was obvious the tree was not saving any effort. As a result of the stamina and determination it had, the inevitable destiny changed. A parrot carried the news; the tree was given a chance, but two obstacles were left to defeat, the first was a question to answer, the second was a condition.
The question must be answered with a convincing answer, why would a tree of gold step down and be a mortal tree of wood? Everything and everyone gathered to listen to what will be said, and the tree started: "sweetness of life is in the ability to choose good over evil and the right over the wrong, I want to make mistakes because it tastes delicious to repent, it tastes different to rebuild. Sweetness of a limited life is in the limitless giving. I want to cry with tears, I want to laugh with tears. I want to change from a seed to a tree, I want to feel the bitter snow in the winter, the burning yellow in the summer, I want to feel the breeze in the spring and I want to say goodbye to stability in the fall. My immortality showed me everything in this world, and I want to see the other worlds".
Silence shut the mouths of all; no one spoke till the decision was made. Three days of vivid life to achieve the condition. Sun must touch the tree every single day in the year. That was the condition and no body knew how the tree would do it.
It is always sunny above the clouds, the tree had her first breath as a living being, power was given to her to grow high enough to tear the clouds into pieces, the condition was achieved and the question was answered, no obstacles left… life will taste different when you are the tree..